All of the aforementioned synchronicities reflects God’s love that exists within us and all around us. When we become still and connect with the Divine presence within us, can we know who we truly are.. That’s what I know for sure! Which then leads to trusting the process, letting go of the familiar and surrender whole-heartedly to the unknown.
Over the last couple of days of the retreat, I got the following tokens : “adorable” “happy” “intelligent” as well as my “coherence healing” coin which brought about more synchronicities, more joy and a much deeper connection to my true self. Friendships were forming.. more love were blossoming and I was confident enough to get up and dance, dancing to my own beat albeit on one spot which was weird because for those who know me, know that I am that girl who would always bust a move. So I had to learn to accept that everything is as it should be and that I am exactly where I need to be – I often have to remind myself to be patient, to hold the vision and to just trust the process.. I had to learn that things are always working out for me no matter how it looks and that we are all ultimately here to serve. As Rumi says, “we are all just walking each other home”. These are very hard lessons to learn especially since service is about alignment and coming into full alignment, is feeling that quiescence, hmmm.. that deliciousness of who and whose we truly are. I believe that once we feel our vibration is congruent with our unique purpose.. our hearts desire, we then have something authentic to serve with.. Something that only YOU can contribute to the world.
Which begs the question then, how can I serve if I’m not in full alignment with Source energy who’s trying to emerge and manifest a unique purpose through me? How can I serve fully if I’m blocking my own flow? I do believe that I am living my purpose, my full authentic potential however has not yet come to full fruition which I realised was part of what led me to Australia. It takes time, focus and deliberate creation to get that congruency right and hit that sweet spot.
As Athena walked me to the obstacle course followed by the “surrender” process, I remember feeling exhausted and famished.. she encouraged me to keep going. I am grateful she did that because as she held my hands to help me walk up the stairs, a stillness came over me as Sally prepared me to fall back and let go! I did not expect to surrender at such a deep level. Falling back in that moment was like free-falling in the void as pure energy, no thoughts and no body, as absolutely nothing.. just pure awareness. I have never cried like that before. I remember being very vocal to the point where everyone around me cried. When I opened my eyes, I was welcomed by smiling hearts and faces which made me feel okay that I’d left my guts on that mat. So often we don’t allow ourselves to truly express our innermost feelings because we’ve been conditioned to suppress our emotions.. which I feel only separates us from our true self.
The next two days started off with 4am meditations.. Making our way to the room in the crisp, fresh, dark and silent new morning was so peaceful. Acquiescing in the beautiful and powerful meditations guided by Dr Joe for 4 and a half hours straight was something you had to experience to put into words. Later on, Dr Joe prepared us for the second round of Coherence Healing which again is something you have to experience yourself. I literally got goosebumps the first time I entered the room and being in that energy space is something I never want to forget. On the last day of the retreat, I had the opportunity to be a healee. I was nervous and anxious yet remained open. Since there is power in numbers, about 8 healers would surround a healee, open their hearts and pour divine love into the healee’s energy field (no physical contact) lying down before them, just pure love – and that energy is the epiphenomenon of matter.
During our last lecture prior to the healing, Dr Joe reiterated the quantum field, setting a clear intention with an elevated emotion which was so profound for me that the amplitude of what he said ignited an energy within me which caused my body to shake.. and I just quietly complied with it! And that set the tone for a very deep, very personal and very beautiful coherence healing.
After the healing session, it was time to say goodbye.. Each respective team gathered together to share their thoughts and heartfelt experiences with everyone. Lots of tears were shed as we all hugged goodbye.
Athena and I stayed on in Brisbane for a few more days to rest and explore before heading back to South Africa. One day I went to the bathroom to wash up before eating.. Looking down at my hands, I called her ecstatically and I said with SO much joy and tears in my eyes, “look at the blood flowing in my hands”. I knew then that my circulation improved because before, my hands were cold and bleak and now I have warm pink hands. My body’s temperature is regulating and my balance is getting sturdier. My immune system is stronger – I don’t get sick as much. I have increased appetite and energy. I’m confidently radiating more of my own light. Today I find myself in a new state of being, a new environment and a whole new time – this is not easy at all! I have had many dark nights of the soul around this but every time I try to find a way to overcome and master it a little more.
I am incredibly grateful for each and every single individual that held me in a place of unconditional love during this journey. I’ve never hugged, cried and laughed so much in one week.. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT ALL! The ongoing love and support we have for one another is absolutely amazing. And thank goodness for Dr Joe’s accident years ago, for it turning into such a great blessing for so many.. teaching us with such passion and humility. I certainly have learnt a lot, I have grown a lot and I am excited for the unfolding of the next part of my journey. What an experience!!
I can’t wait for the next retreat coming up which is made possible by every rockstar who donated to the Gofundme page initiated by beautiful Kelly. Thank you for joining me on this adventure.
Here is a glimpse of what Australia was all about file:

With so much love and gratitude
TK ♡
PS.. Remember your worthiness and gravitate to that knowledge of wellbein